What Is Therapy?

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When is the last time you took time out from your hectic life to look in the mirror and really see who stares back at you? How often do you give yourself 50 minutes to sit and speak about yourself and how you feel? Imagine you could do that in a space where there is no judgement. You can do this with Therapy.

‘Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work, your judgement will be sure. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen’ – Leornardo Da Vinci (Artist)

Therapy provides you with a confidential and safe space where you can raise your awareness of YOU. A space where you get to discover more about yourself and explore your true feelings. A space where you can see yourself from new angles and overcome obstacles. Imagine being able to look in the mirror and have honest conversations with your true self – a good Therapist will enable this process.

‘Man’s task is to become conscious of the contents that press upwards from the unconscious.’ – Carl Jung (Psychotherapist)

You have the right to express your feelings, opinions and values. You have the right to be heard. But in day to day life, we don’t always get the time to do this. And we need to. Therapy gives you the opportunity to express yourself and explore & resolve any internal conflict that is within you. We often have areas of tension in our lives that that are hindering our progression, sometimes without us even being aware!

‘A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.’ – Mark Twain (Author)

You may feel weighed down by fears, uncertainties and confusion. Therapy helps you learn how to cope better with whatever life has thrown your way. Therapy is about change and acceptance. And it’s not only about helping you to achieve your goals, it’s also about learning to accept the things you cannot change. Therapy gives you time to take difficulties and pressures out of your mind and see them from a more manageable perspective.

If you feel out of balance or stressed about life, Therapy can help you to find a new sense of balance and sources of positive energy.

As a Therapist, I empower my clients to find more beneficial, balanced ways of living. I can support you to overcome any obstacles that are holding you back from achieving your goals. Obstacles come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes obstacles are internal challenges and sometimes they are external things. They can be physical, emotional, environmental, financial or practical. Or they can relationship based, personality based or caused by past experiences. Once you recognise what obstacles you are facing, we can then work together to help you overcome them.

‘Every small positive change we make in ourselves repays us in confidence in the future.’ – Alice Walker (Author)

To overcome obstacles you need to feel motivated and it can be hard to motivate yourself if you feel ‘stuck’. To make lasting positive changes we must explore our fears, identify what we really desire and then believe our dreams can become real. Having qualified, objective support can really help with this process and keep you motivated.

‘Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly’ – Langston Hughes (Poet)

Contact Simone